
Personality Type

Per Carl Jung/Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (see my post on Personality Types), my personality type is INTJ, standing for Introverted, iNtuitive, Thinking, Judging. Just search INTJ (to follow are a couple of example links), whatever you read about it is me, 90% or more me. That’s it.

If you care to know, this is how I think

  • I’m not proud, nor am I ashamed of anything I didn’t have anything to do with, that includes:
    1. My looks
    2. My ethnicity
    3. My country of origin
    4. My native language
    5. The religion I inherited

All these are cool, are fine, but they don’t mean much! Because I don’t see/get how to be proud/ashamed of anything chance-based! Also, in terms of comparison to others, every single human being has their own version of these, and any take on which is better is a pissing contest by definition!

  • I don’t get anything that divides people into good & bad, right & wrong, us & them, etc. What scale makes that absolute and true for anybody, anywhere and anytime!?
  • I think ideas and concepts can – and should – be criticized. However, not the people who believe in them. So, in my book, it’s ok to criticize the Republican mindset, not “a republican” for being one, and ok to criticize Catholicism, not “a Catholic” for being one, etc..

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